Jumat, 08 April 2016

Money and Happiness


Disusun oleh :
Mayorette Shabrina Ananda (14215097)
Kelas : 1EA08
Fakultas Ekonomi Manajement S-1
Universitas Gunadarma

Money and Happiness

     What is happiness? It’s easy to confuse happiness with pleasure and satisfaction that lasts momentarily. Money can fill our life with pleasure but the difference is happiness is a broader sense, living a life full of quality and meaning. While money can support a life of quality, in the end everything depends on the person and how he chooses to live his life. It can also be said that happiness is largely based on how we see the world and how we respond to it. Thus the decisions that one makes in a lifetime ultimately shapes their happiness.

       Coming from outside observations wealthier, developed nations have citizens that are relatively happier in contrast to the slumps. Thus it becomes a common belief that money makes you happy but necessarily this is not the case.
Poverty is a complex issue even in today’s world and although eradicating poverty all together may be impossible, a step towards a better society is closing the gap between the rich and the poor. In most parts of the world the top 10% wealthiest people have more money than the 90% has combined. People in poverty have trouble getting out due to the poor mindset of spending money rather than saving.

    Being rich is the dream of many. The lifestyles may greatly differ but deep down getting everything you desire defeats the purpose or meaning that comes with the possession. Studies have shown that money and wealth don’t have a real significant impact on the happiness of people but be that as it may, if given the choice no one would want to live in poverty. Poverty has its ties with constant stress to pay due bills, appalling working condition, the absence of medical care, living in bad neighborhoods filled with crime and garbage. These factors combined lower happiness levels overall.

       Having set goals or finding a meaning to life or being a part of something bigger than ourselves or discovering what it really means to be human, that is happiness. It’s called ‘the pursuit of happiness’ for a reason. You don’t receive happiness at the finish line. It’s the journey of which that brings us to enlightenment and helps us become better people. Happiness is giving and caring for one another and in turn others will care for us in our time of need. Happiness is to know that God has given us challenges to face though the burden may not be heavier than the strength of the horse carrying it. And above all happiness is to know that our life was worthwhile not only for our self but for others as well.

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